Sunday, October 30, 2011


Post hike grill cheese at the Grill Cheese Grill specializing in gourmet grill cheeses.

Hike up eagle creek in the pouring rain with hound and katie.

Salmon headed to spawn

Halloween Party with coworker Jake Annie and katie

A cowgirl, potted flower, cowboy and a ski bum looking for a ride to Mt. Hood.

Post Run like Hell zombie themed half marathon. Finished 39th overall in 1:34 and change averaging 7:14 minute miles!

I house set this dog Rockie for a month. He's pretty hilarious trying to get his stick i put 6 ft up in the tree.


Anonymous said...

dang! grilled cheese grill??? seriously?! that is fantab! I wish to eat there! you look great! Your smiles are wonderful to see. blessings! <3 xoxo ~crystal

kk said...

Amazing that the pumpkin necklace lasted since Vieques!
Congratulations on the run! awesome time too!!

Anonymous said...

Now THATS'S a grilled cheese!!! Way to go on your run! I can't wait to see you!!! Xoxoxo- Mom