Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 4-5: Backpacking along Highway 1 (somewhere just north of Cambria)

Monday morning we made our way down to Pfeiffer Beach in Big Sur. There was hardly anyone out there and it was nice and quiet. The morning started out breezy but finished up with some warm bikini-wearin' sun :)

After spending sometime wandering through some of the local stores and galleries Big Sur had to offer, we drove down about 45 minutes south (closer to Cambria) and had a backpacking/camping adventure! The hike took us on the rolling green hills and mountains that raise up from the shoreline. It was pretty hot and a bit of a steep hike. We had a pretty scary encounter with a rattlesnake too! Chandler was hiking along and noticed a large lizard in the footpath (trail) in front of us. The lizards seemed frozen, and when Chandler leaned in for a closer look he saw the head of a snake right by. He could tell that it looked poisonous and when we got a better look at him we noticed the rattle on his tail!! I was so scared. Chandler leaped across him like a crazy man, I was terrified to tears because really there, was no way around him- we either had to backtrack several miles and forfeit the stay at the camp above or cross in front of the snake. Eventually Chandler wrestled the snake away from the path and we continued on our way.
We made it to the top to see the sunset over the Pacific and the stars came out perfectly :) I probably had the most peaceful night of sleep up there than I had in a couple weeks!

Look closely for the rattle-snake standing off against a lizard, this is the best picture Chandler could manage!

1 comment:

kk said...

Chandler our hero