Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 40: Drive up to Monzano Mountain State Park

Our barista at Olive Branch Coffee Shop told us to check out Three Rivers Petroglyph site on our way up towards Albuquerque. It is the largest petroglyph site in the southwest with over 20,000 drawings carved in the rocks some 600 years ago by the Pueblo people.
We took her advice and I have to say that personally, I was pretty disappointed with the lack of protection there was for the petroglyphs. There were chiseled away parts, which blatantly were stolen drawings and many obviously new carving were graffitied all over the rocks. It kind of made me want to cry. The ancient carvings and drawings on the rocks that I did see were very interesting and very much worth protecting much more than they were...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's a shame people vandalize our geological treasures